Tuesday, June 13, 2017

My first attempt at Russian join and making a C2C afghan

So I decided to attempt this thing called Russian join using my scraps of yarn. It was pretty simple once I got the hang of it.

This is how big of a ball I got in just a few hours. My husband then suggested I start a C2C afghan, and when I run out of this ball, I start the decreases with a new ball of Russian join. So far here is the start to my C2C.

I love beading

The last few days I have been beading up a storm, my hubby now has three lighter cases but only one lighter. I will be making more as I find something that gets my attention. Or if anyone asks for one, for a price of coarse. https://plus.google.com/110412766560746217786/posts/UXtzh6Qw7HM?_utm_source=1-2-4